Category: Fresh Fridays

Fresh Fridays are introductions and recipes to less familiar fresh fruits and vegetables.

New Year’s Black Eyed Pea and Kale Soup Recipe – Get Lucky

Posted by Trish
What To Do With Kale? Hmmm..., January 5, 2014 I noticed last night that there was kale on my plate for dinner.  That is the second time this week that the hearty vegetable has made its way into my meal.  Is kale a new veggie for me?  No, but it was once and could be for you.  In recent years, you couldn’t escape news … Read More ›

Spaghetti Squash Recipe Attempt – Not Bad But Not For Me

Posted by Trish
Spaghetti Squash, January 3, 2014 Yesterday, I tackled one of my New Year’s suggestions by hunting down a gluten free event, and today, I didn’t see a reason not to try another one.  This time, I decided to try working with a vegetable that I am not familiar with, spaghetti squash. Have I eaten it before?  Yes, once.  Have I … Read More ›