Thank You For Being A Gluten Free Friend – An Understanding Unlike Most

Posted by Trish
Nothing Warms You Up Quite Like GF Chicken Noodle On A Bitter Cold Day, January 28,2014

Nothing Warms You Up Quite Like GF Chicken Noodle On A Bitter Cold Day, January 28, 2014

Sometimes you just need a friend.  And when you live a gluten free lifestyle, it is ideal to have a gluten free friend.  Not to replace ones you have, but because they relate to this whole other dimension. They can understand the obstacles you encounter, share their own, offer advice, swap recipes, and overall be supportive and encouraging in a way that others just can’t.  (Picture a person scarfing down cake while saying I shouldn’t feel bad that I can’t have any because it isn’t any good.  Yet, they continue to plow through it as though it dropped from heaven.  Hard to listen to them.  Delightful to have someone eating a fruit salad with you instead.)  While it is best to have this friend from the start, a newfound friend can be equally beneficial.  I’m lucky that my friend, while new to it, I’ve known for over a decade.

She’s been around since before I started getting sick, was around a lot while I was sick and is here now that I’m fixing myself up again.  She’s seen the full circle and it seems that I’m witnessing hers as well. I’d like to give her credit for going all in on her own journey.  Despite others not fully grasping the issue, nor making it any easier at times, she is clearly taking it in stride, doing her research, asking questions and staying positive.

One of the perks?  Socializing.  We all know that I have trouble with it.  It causes anxiety and brings out my old habits even though I am fine the majority of the time.  She’s always been one of the easier people in my life to see, simply because she has known me through it all, but this week it was exciting to drop by for the afternoon.  Why?  Because I was treated to a gluten free cookie attempt from a recipe she is working on, got to peruse articles she had earmarked, discuss food planning a bit and have a cup of good ol’homemade gf chicken noodle soup!  Score!  These simple things couldn’t satisfy me more.

So…Thank you for being a friend.  Gotta love the Golden Girls.   :)

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