Category: Gluten Free Holidays and Socializing

Gluten free socializing can be anxiety inducing, but we all get through it with a little help.

New Year’s Black Eyed Pea and Kale Soup Recipe – Get Lucky

Posted by Trish
What To Do With Kale? Hmmm..., January 5, 2014 I noticed last night that there was kale on my plate for dinner.  That is the second time this week that the hearty vegetable has made its way into my meal.  Is kale a new veggie for me?  No, but it was once and could be for you.  In recent years, you couldn’t escape news … Read More ›

Trying MeetUp To Find Gluten Free Folks To Meet Up With!

Posted by Trish
Perusing MeetUp With My Little Helper, January 2, 2014 Today, I decided to take some of my own advice regarding finding a gluten free group that meets up in my area.  I ran a search in Google that led me to a group on MeetUp that is going out to dinner in a few weeks.  I decided to join the site (which is free) … Read More ›

Wishing You A Gluten Free 2014 – Picking GF New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Trish
Gluten Free 2014 I’m not a fan of only creating one New Year’s resolution, so I do six.  Six?  Yes, six.  They are a combination of easy, medium and hard in difficulty that span across various parts of my life.  Work, health, family, etc.  I write them down and actually commit to them for more than the first … Read More ›

Grateful For Gluten Free Gravy and My Christmas Cooks

Posted by Trish
GF Gravy Happiness, Christmas 2013 ‘Tis the season to be glutened!  Well, not for me this time!  I survived Thanksgiving and Christmas without accidentally ingesting anything that would make me ill.  I realize how hard it is to navigate the holidays, often leading to an incident or two, so I wanted to acknowledge the efforts my family made for me … Read More ›